Additionally, our clinic has provided life saving emergency veterinary treatment to 163 township pets, either by providing medication for owners to administer at home or stabilising the animal before transporting them to our back up vet for hospitalisation until they are healthy enough to return to their owners.
Please see here for a video of one of our recent Steri Clinics in action: https://youtu.be/itlwgD03rLg?si=G9wBHyrkmh0_vxmo
Providing immediate relief to emergency cases is an ongoing effort, one we hope to mitigate by setting up a permanent veterinary clinic in De Doorns that is accessible to township owners. Until the permanent clinic is in effect, we will continue to run weekly outreach for animals in need of emergency veterinary care.
Via our weekly outreach, throughout 2024, Sidewalk Specials have provided emergency veterinary care to approximately 110 township pets at our back-up vet in Worcester. The Sports Concept Store's donations have been a huge help towards our ongoing vet bills and for this we are so grateful.
Over the course of 2024, we have worked on creating detailed mass sterilisation protocols that will be available free to download, in order to help other charities run their own sterilisation events and address the issue of pet overpopulation in their areas. We anticipate these protocols to be available on our website before the end of 2024. Please see here for a link to our draft mass sterilisation protocols: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/82yh2tyfelq2he8gd22t6/AFOUtVX3y_QV9MxZmIDTqKI?rlkey=z20whvmk0bf2fpmo5bv9b0min&st=hdag9zt1&dl=0
We are also involved with petitioning our local municipality to change their current by-laws in order to enforce mandatory sterilisation of dogs and cats over six months of age. This will provide legal backing in order to get the population of De Doorns township pets under control.
The Sports Concept Store's continued support has played an integral role in Sidewalk Specials' achievements and we are eternally grateful to have you as one of our champions.